down tube

down tube
нижняя труба рамы

Biker's dictionary. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "down tube" в других словарях:

  • down tube shifter — One of the gear shift levers that are mounted to the down tube of a bicycle frame …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • down tube — noun A vertical tube making up part of a bicycle frame …   Wiktionary

  • down tube — The bicycle frame tube running from the headset to the bottom bracket one part of the main triangle on a bicycleframe …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • shifter, down tube — down tube shifter …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • tube — [1] A long, narrow, hollow cylinder for holding or passing liquids or gases. [2] A rubber doughnut shaped bladder which is placed within the carcass of a tire and inflated. See axle tube bourdon tube capillary tube carburetor venturi choke tube… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Down Street tube station — Down Street Location Place Mayfair Coordinates …   Wikipedia

  • tube — [ tub ] noun count ** ▸ 1 object like a pipe ▸ 2 long narrow container ▸ 3 long thin part inside body ▸ 4 television ▸ 5 cathode ray tube ▸ 6 underground train ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a long narrow object similar to a pipe that liquid or gas can move… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Down in the Tube Station at Midnight — Single by The Jam from the album All Mod Cons …   Wikipedia

  • Tube Alloys — was the code name for the British nuclear weapon directorate during World War II, when the very possibility of nuclear weapons was kept at such a high level of secrecy that it had to be referred to by code even in the highest circles of… …   Wikipedia

  • tube — [to͞ob, tyo͞ob] n. [Fr < L tubus, a pipe] 1. a) a hollow cylinder or pipe of metal, glass, rubber, etc., usually long in proportion to its diameter, used for conveying fluids, etc. b) an instrument, part, organ, etc. resembling a tube… …   English World dictionary

  • down the tube — down the tube/tubes 1. if something goes down the tubes, it fails or disappears. Our holiday plans went down the tube because of the train strike. 2. if someone goes down the tubes, they fail. He s in danger of going down the tubes if he doesn t… …   New idioms dictionary

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